lundi 1 avril 2019

[C++ OpenGL] Autonomously Moving Actor


This projet made in C++ OpenGL show some 2D gemotry mathematics and "Steering Behaviors" IA

On this project ,the user can move a triangle player actor and give some commands to an ia actor

Here is the mains behaviors for the Ia actor


The agent goes to a specific location


The agent randomly patrol a round his location


When the player try to reach the agent, he goes to the opposite direction

Follow Path

The agent follow a way point node which are sort in a specific ordr . If the agent is near one a waypoint, he directly go to this waypoint instead to go from the first way point


When an agent try to catch the player, if he goes to the current location, it is not optimize solution because the player is constantly moving. So one solution is to try to anticipate where the player is going, for doing that, the agent will try the "direction vector " that the player goes.

When the agent is close enough of the player , he will go directly on the player position.

Wall Avoidance

When a agent try to goes to a destination, if there is a wall between them, naturally the agent can't go there. The solution is to avoid the wall and goes to the destination. The agent will rotate and will find a path which are not colliding with the wall, then he goes to the destination and finally try to reach the final destination

Source and version can be found on this github :

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