lundi 25 mai 2020

Behavious Tree (BT) with Finite State Machine (FSM)

We can combine Behavious Tree and Finite State Machine. Each Leafs of the Behavious Tree are Finite State Machine system. That way we can get all advantages of this 2 AI techniques.

I use this paper A Character Decision-Making System for FINAL FANTASY XV by Combining Behavior Trees and State Machines by  Youichiro Miyake, Youji Shirakami, Kazuya Shimokawa,
Kousuke Namiki, Tomoki Komatsu, Joudan Tatsuhiro,Prasert Prasertvithyakarn, and Takanori Yokoyama( in Final Fantasy 15 , I didn't implement the tool but get the idea

Behavior Tree is an classical one and the FSM is based on this paper A Reusable, Light-Weight
Finite-State Machine by David Grez Graham ( use on this game Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter.

On this sample project, Actor lives in a house and 3 neend : sleep, eat, wash (and play video game if he have nothing to do), it's like the Sims game.
Every time a leaft of the BT is selected, we goes in a FSM to accomplish actions by instance eat means take a meal, put it on oven and eat or for sleeping it's means switch of the light , sleep n and switch on the light when the actor sleeps enough

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